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Minnesota Department of Agriculture

Metro Institute provides online computer-based testing services in Minnesota for the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. MDA proctored testing sites are located throughout the state. All persons desiring to hold a pesticide license with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture must contact Metro Institute to schedule a computer based exam.

Not registered to test?

If you are not currently licensed/certified or been issued a MDA Item number  or your previous testing application is expired you must apply with the MDA. Click the button below to visit the MDA Online Licensing and Payment System.

Find a Testing Center

Metro has a testing center network with conveniently located throughout Minnesota.
You get directions and print a map.
Click the button to find your location!

Already approved to test?

If you have already applied and been issued an MDA Item number or know your license/certification numeber and need to schedule or reschedule a test click the Schedule Now button below. It's fast and easy good luck!

Testing "Step-by-Step"

Prior to registering with Metro Institute for pesticide testing, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) requires all persons, new or existing applicators, to follow these steps.

New applicators must submit an application to MDA at Online Licensing and Payment System Online Licensing and Payment System (, renewing applicators must submit their pesticide license renewal form with required payment to MDA, and existing applicators must submit the application for a duplicate applicator license along with required payment to MDA prior to registration with Metro Institute.

 Upon MDA approval of the pesticide license application, applicators can register for testing with Metro Institute.  New applicators will use the “item #” as indicated on the online payment confirmation receipt and renewing or existing applicators will enter their MDA pesticide license number to complete registration for testing with Metro Institute.

If Metro Institute could not locate the item # or pesticide license number you cannot schedule and purchase tests on the Metro website, the application may still be under review by MDA, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further assistance.

If you know your “item #” or MDA license number follow the steps below

Testing Procedure:

1. Visit Metro Institute at to schedule your exams. For assistance 877-533-2900.

2. Payment are processed by PayPal and Visa, MC, AMEX or PayPal are accepted ($60.00 per test).

3. A 24 hour notice is required to schedule, or reschedule any exam. There is no charge to reschedule an exam with 24 hours notice.

4. Don't forget: You must bring your unexpired government issued photo ID to each testing session.

5. All exams are closed book. No cell phones, electronic devices of any kind, personal calculators (one will be provided), drinks or any other personal items will be allowed in the testing room.

Schedule a Test Online - "HERE"

For Assistance Scheduling a Test by Phone - Call  "877-533-2900" 

MDA Pesticide Applicator Licensing Information - Click "HERE"

Helpful Testing Skills

1. The Core, Structural Journeyman, Structural Master and Non-Commercial Structural exams are two hours in duration all other Category Exams are one hour. The average completion time for all exams is approximately half of the allotted time. Therefore, take your time and read each question and each of the possible answers very carefully.

2. You may skip questions and return to them later. You may review any or all of the test questions as long time remains on the exam timer.

3. For Commercial, Non-Commercial, and Structural Pesticide Applicator licenses - you must receive a passing score in category A (Core) and at least one other category to be licensed. When applying for category B (General Aerial), you must receive a passing score in category A (Core), B (General Aerial), and at least one other category. A passing score is 70% or better for Commercial, Non-Commercial, and Structural Pesticide Applicator exams.

• For CAWT license (Site Manager) - you must receive a passing score in at least one of the license categories: Liquid or Solid. A passing score is 80% or better for CAWT exams.

4. When seated for your exam you may take a practice test to familiarize yourself with the testing interface before beginning the actual exam.

5. You will be prompted on screen to agree to the testing rules before your exam begins. Any violation of the rules will result in the immediate termination of your exam and a report to MDA of the incident.

6. At the conclusion of your exam results will be displayed on screen. You will be provided with a printed results page with instructions detailing what to do next.



Pass the Test What Next?

Reviewing Test Scores
When your exams are complete the proctor will provide you with a printed results page. This page will indicate your overall score on the exam. Applicators that meet the requirements below for their license type may use their exam scoresheet(s) as a temporary license, valid for 30 days from the exam date in which all requirements have been met. Applicators must carry all corresponding exam scoresheets during this time as proof of temporary licensure.

For Commercial, Non-Commercial, and Structural Pesticide Applicator licenses - you must receive a passing score in category A (Core) and at least one other category to be licensed. When applying for category B (General Aerial), you must receive a passing score in category A (Core), B (General Aerial), and at least one other category. A passing score is 70% or better for Commercial, Non-Commercial, and Structural Pesticide Applicator exams.

For CAWT license (Site Manager) - you must receive a passing score in at least one of the license categories: Liquid or Solid. A passing score is 80% or better for CAWT exams.

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) will receive these exam results from Metro Institute. Licenses will be issued for successful applicators within 30 days from the exam date in which all requirements have been met. Licensure information can be found at the MDA license lookup site.

The MDA reserves the right to cancel temporary licensure if it is determined that an applicator has not completed all licensure requirements, for more information on Pesticide or CAWT licenses go to the MDA website.

Failed the Exam? What Next?
If you failed any of the exams, you may visit to schedule and purchase a retake; applicators are eligible for a retake exam the day after the failed attempt, testing center availability applies. Applicators may take the exam three (3) times per calendar year.

To Purchase and Reschedule an exam Online - Click "HERE" or Call Metro Institute for assistance or questions (877) 533-2900

 MDA resources for Pesticide and CAWT licenses:

• MDA website:
• License lookup:
• Pesticide Licensing and Certification Unit:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 651-201-6615


Metro Institute is Smart and Cost Efficient.

We would love to show you the "day in the life" of our test administration services.

To schedule a free no obligation demo of our services call Kelly Denny @ (602) 471-0155

About Metro

Metro Institute  is the current Computer Based Testing (iCBT) provider for  15 State Pesticide Regulary Agencies.  MI has been providing testing services  since 2003. Our testing experience combined our understanding of the industry make Metro the right choice to help you navigate the ins and outs of implenting the optimum testing program for your agency. Reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get the details.




202 East Earll Drive, Ste 180
Phoenix, AZ  85012,  USA

Phone: (602) 452-2900

Toll Free: (877)-533-2900

Fax: (602) 452-2920

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